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Randy Kirwan (415-595-9651)


Think Alzheimer’s (but not limited to that!) …and really you don't have to be ill to enjoy this service......Check this out!!!

You’re exhausted, you’d just love to go get a massage, have a date night or just jump into your jammies and settle in with the kitties this evening. But, gosh darn it, your sweet loved one needs some tender loving care and attention and some unknown, at this moment, excitement in his/her life. Since the onset of your loved one being dependent on you, perhaps because of illness, every free moment you have is wrapped around the notion, that you want joy to be experienced in your loved one’s life, and you want to enjoy your own life too! How can you fit it all in? Seems all consuming, doesn’t it?

You CAN have the freedom to have both! For several years now, I’ve been the companion of several elders who have such great spirits that were locked away in their sedate, quiet lives (either in assisted living facilities or at home) because family members have their own lives to live and because that’s just what happens sometimes when people become ill. It’s nobody’s fault, we’re just busy living our own lives. All the frivolity, fun and just plain enjoyment, a senior might have expressed in his/her life before the illness, has gone to sleep. But believe me, it’s not gone.

You’re probably wondering what I’m talking about. Here’s the just of it:  I have been able to breathe new fun and laughter into those same elders by finding out what would really get that adrenalin pumping (safely, of course) or that love of beauty flowing or bring back that great big smile. Really, just listening and experiencing a person you can extract what makes them tick and what could really blow fresh air into a life that may have been just sitting looking out a window. I have seen firsthand, people transform themselves just by embarking on simple outings, tailor-made to the elder’s specific desires. You’d be surprised at what can really get the blood flowing. Here are some examples of outings I’ve done with elders:

The Cavalia Horse Show

diRosa Museum

Trolly Trip around Angel Island

Picnic on a private boat

Helicopter ride

Exotic restaurants

Designer Showcases

Bouquets to Art

Sonoma Serengeti Safari West

Birthday dinners in places held dear by the elder

Oysters on the coast

Pt.Reyes brunch (many)

Stinson Beach BBQ

Sonoma Square Music

Dancing in a nightclub (with hired ballroom partners)

Trip down the coast in a rented red sports car convertible

The Rocket Boat (every summer)

Ferry Trips across the Bay

Jack London Square

Carnivals (lots of them)

The Gem Show

Macy’s Flower Show

Chocolate Factory Tasting

Art Museums

Out to lunch with friends

Cirque du Solei

Live outdoor concerts

Concerts in general (tailored to the elders liking)

This is a short list of some outings I’ve taken elders on.

 If this excites you, please feel free to contact me and I can explain how it’s done, and why it’s so important to the well being of your loved one and YOU. You’ll be delighted at the outcome. Your loved one will be forever grateful that this part of life includes surprise experiences that matter and bring joy (and you’ll be happy you get a break!). It’s all GOOD!

This part of life is just as important as the beginning of life.

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